- This program compensates Manitoba agricultural producers for damage caused by migratory waterfowl and big game.
- Producers do not have to participate in the AgriInsurance program to be eligible.
- This program covers damage caused by:
- Deer
- Elk
- Moose
- Bear
- Wood Bison
- Ducks
- Geese
- Sandhill Cranes
- Eligible crops include:
- Wheat
- Barley
- Oats
- Rye
- Mixed Grain
- Buckwheat
- Triticale
- Hemp Grain
- Flax
- Canaryseed
- Greenfeed
- Timothy
- Tame Grasses
- Tame Millet
- Sweet Clover
- Alfalfa-Grass
Mixtures - Red Clover
- Alfalfa
- Extended Grazing
Forage - Soybeans
- Field Peas
- Lentils
- Legumes
- Dry Edible Beans
- Fababeans
- Canola
- Rapeseed
- Mustard
- Potatoes
- Corn
- Sunflowers
- Strawberries
- Lettuce
- Carrots
- Parsnips
- Rutabagas
- Cooking Onions
- Other Vegetables
- The producer must contact MASC within three days of the occurrence of the loss.